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subtitles, TMPlayer, conversion, MicroDVD, SubRip, MPL,

Easy Subtitle Converter

If you have created subtitles for your holiday movie, but your player can't display them, it means that you're in the right place!

This program can be used to convert subtitle files. It can read the following subtitle formats:

It can save in the following formats:

The program automatically detects the subtitles type and, if necessary, takes FPS from the movie (the movie has to be names the same way as subtitles and be in AVI format (like DivX, XVid) or MPEG (extensions: .mpg, .mpeg, .m1v, .mpv).

The program can be run from USB flash drive and CD / DVD. It requires no installation.

Please do not use the program to convert subtitles for illegal movies!